Saturday, September 25, 2010


July 7th, 2398

Dear Diary,
Today I got up a little late so I didn't have time to eat breakfast, which made me a meanyhead until lunch time. I got in trouble twice because I yelled at Reid to stop pulling my hair, why does the teacher never see him being mean to me? We were in the church practically all day, cooking and cleaning, so that it would be ready for the ceremony tomorrow. Tonight, my parents are celebrating my sisters last night as a 14. I don't see why her year-change is more important then mine, I'm turning 8. You know what everyone says about year 8, that its the best. I don't know why though, guess I will have to wait and see tommorow.


July 7th, 2398

Today, all the 14's got the day off, since tomorrow they will all be assigned their jobs in the community. Which ment the rest of us had to do all the work at the church to get it ready for the ceremony. We washed every single dress, and suit ever worn it the community so the 14's could pick the ones they wanted. Then we had to was the floors and shine them, plus do all the cooking for the banquet. It wasn't fair! Tomorrow, I'll be turning 8. Everyone always says 8 is the best year, but they won't say why. Well I have to go help make dinner.


July 7th, 2398

Dear Journal,
Tomorrow, I will turn 15. Finally, it will be time for me to be assigned a job, I do hope I get Daycare Assistant. I love to spend time with children, they are just so sweet, and innocent! I spent most of my extra time there, and I am always the first one to volunteer there, so they should see where my future should be. Today being my last day as a child, my parents took my siblings and I to the waterfall at the edge of the island. It was so beautiful, I don't think I've ever seen anything as pure. Oh, I just can't wait for tomorrow!
Love always, Alessandra

Friday, September 24, 2010


Dear friends of the community,
       We invite you to join the Quintessence nation. Our community is located on a remote island in the indian ocean. We are Roman Catholic, and are building a new youth room, for our church. Our independence day is coming up soon, July 8th, we will be having a big celebration, and a changing of the year. If you are interested in coming just contact us at: 770 633 9430. Hope to see you, as a new member in our nation!

The Quintessence Elders

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Date: October 5th - October 12th
Time: from 9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Place: Community Church
What: You will be working on building the new youth building, or landscaping the community.


-God is our one true leader, but our elders of the community make most of the major decisions.


1. You are never to lie
-for lying causes confusion, and is unholy
2. Cussing is not allowed.
-cussing is not a good way to express anger, and it hurts the people you love
3. Live the simple way
-for one of the basic principles in our society is simplicity
4. Everyone is expected to go to a catholic church, and to worship God
-this is because God is our creater, and we must respect him
5 No deer must be harmed in any way
-deer is the sacred animal of our community
6. Always bathe.
-for being unclean is considered being unholy
7. Respect, and listen to your elders
-because your elders have been around longer then most, and have more experiance
8. Do not look at people in lust.
- respect them, and this is against our religion
9. respect what nature gives you, and always be thankful
-for nothing in this world is promised, so anything you get, is a gift.
10. Do not sin.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. wake up
8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. breakfast, and family hour
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. work( if over 15) or school( if 14 or under)
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. lunch hour.
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. family time, and time with god
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. work (if over 15) or volunteer ( ages 8-14) or daycare (ages 7 and under)
5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. dinner with community
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. dinner service
7:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. your time


       We declare freedom; from the government, the religious views, and the prospect that some people are better than others. Everyone was put on this earth for a purpose, so it is our intention to not interfere with that purpose. We declare freedom, from the thoughts and ideas of others, it is only our opinion of ourselves that matters. We apply these thoughts to everyday life, and everyone, no matter their age, weight, height, color, or personality, is created equal.

       We declare simplicity; for our lives shall not be filled with unnecessary possestions. Nature will provide for us, all we need. We declare simplicity, yet again, for the prospect of now, do not dwell on the past. Nor look at the future, live for today, and only today because tomorrow is not promised. Live the simple way.

       We declare love; as the final, and key element to success, for love can get you through anything. Love with all your heart, and in return your love shall be returned when needed most. We declare love, again, in the thoughts and ideas of others. Think community, there is no ‘I’ in everyone, nor an ‘I’ in selfless, treat others the way you want to be treated.
We declare freedom. We declare simplicity. We declare love. We declare Quintessence to be our nation, always and forever.


In our utopia, deer represent us the best. They are so pure, and they live and love off of what nature gave them.
**To us, deer are sacred, and if one is ever harmed, the punishment is hard labor, in order to give back nature, what you took.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


In this symbol you can see the three crossing rings each one represents the main beliefs of my society. Simplicity, Freedom,  and Love.


Dal Vivo Gratis, or in English: Live Free


Meaning, the most perfect and pure embodiment of everything. I chose it because I want my utopia, to be as simple and pure as possible.