Thursday, September 23, 2010


1. You are never to lie
-for lying causes confusion, and is unholy
2. Cussing is not allowed.
-cussing is not a good way to express anger, and it hurts the people you love
3. Live the simple way
-for one of the basic principles in our society is simplicity
4. Everyone is expected to go to a catholic church, and to worship God
-this is because God is our creater, and we must respect him
5 No deer must be harmed in any way
-deer is the sacred animal of our community
6. Always bathe.
-for being unclean is considered being unholy
7. Respect, and listen to your elders
-because your elders have been around longer then most, and have more experiance
8. Do not look at people in lust.
- respect them, and this is against our religion
9. respect what nature gives you, and always be thankful
-for nothing in this world is promised, so anything you get, is a gift.
10. Do not sin.

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