Wednesday, September 22, 2010


       We declare freedom; from the government, the religious views, and the prospect that some people are better than others. Everyone was put on this earth for a purpose, so it is our intention to not interfere with that purpose. We declare freedom, from the thoughts and ideas of others, it is only our opinion of ourselves that matters. We apply these thoughts to everyday life, and everyone, no matter their age, weight, height, color, or personality, is created equal.

       We declare simplicity; for our lives shall not be filled with unnecessary possestions. Nature will provide for us, all we need. We declare simplicity, yet again, for the prospect of now, do not dwell on the past. Nor look at the future, live for today, and only today because tomorrow is not promised. Live the simple way.

       We declare love; as the final, and key element to success, for love can get you through anything. Love with all your heart, and in return your love shall be returned when needed most. We declare love, again, in the thoughts and ideas of others. Think community, there is no ‘I’ in everyone, nor an ‘I’ in selfless, treat others the way you want to be treated.
We declare freedom. We declare simplicity. We declare love. We declare Quintessence to be our nation, always and forever.

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